You've joined the army?
On the contrary, the army joined me.
I was drafted.
That's awful!
I agree.
It's carrying the war too far.
However, there's the possibility
of joining up here.
Would you like to dance?
I appeal to your patriotism.
You can't refuse a soldier.
Governor, I remember
when you played Widow Twankey
at the Theatre Royal,
Birmingham, in 1890...
Go easy there laddie, go easy.
Let's have a drink.
Calvero, old boy,
how's the world treating you?
Rather aggressively at the moment.
You don't know me.
The fact is most gratifying.
Is that supposed to be funny?
My man, you will never know.
Have a little drink.
Only have it
at the other end of the bar.
Pardon me, Miss Thereza is waiting
for you in the dress circle.
What is it?
Miss Thereza is waiting for you
in the dress circle.
Will you kindly tell her not to worry,
I've gone home to bed.
Very well, sir.
What's happened to Calvero?
He left word that he was tired
and had gone home to rest.
I must go at once. Say good night
to Mr. Postant for me.
I'll get you a cab.