Pardon me, Miss Thereza is waiting
for you in the dress circle.
What is it?
Miss Thereza is waiting for you
in the dress circle.
Will you kindly tell her not to worry,
I've gone home to bed.
Very well, sir.
What's happened to Calvero?
He left word that he was tired
and had gone home to rest.
I must go at once. Say good night
to Mr. Postant for me.
I'll get you a cab.
I'll walk home.
He must be asleep, poor dear.
Too much excitement for him.
I'm beginning
to feel the strain myself.
Then I'll be going.
Shall we see you
before you leave for camp?
I leave this morning.
Good bye, Terry.
No, don't!
Say you love me, just a little.
I've tried to fight it, but I can't.
Please, it's useless.
You're as helpless as I am.
We love each other.
I never said I loved you.
Every look, gesture says it!
No, don't say that!
I know how devoted
you are to Calvero,