She may become violent. Drive her to
the Forest of Beauvry. You have money?
- Five crowns.
- Scarcely enough to start a revolution.
l'll get the money. Meet me at
the signpost in the forest at 9:00 tonight.
ls that clear? Off with you.
Goodbye, Mother.
- l'm sorry, Father.
- Take my sword.
Try not to dishonor it.
Thank you, Father.
Good luck.
lt's all right.
He's very young. Look after him.
As you've always looked after me.
l swear it.
God bless you, Andre.
And now for the stuff
that makes fools of princes...
and princes of fools. Money.
Andre, you be careful what you do.
Precisely my intention.
l go now to consult my attorney...
the eminent lawyer Fabian.
ls this the bald pate of the lawyer Fabian?
- Moreau, l can't see you.
- You must be shortsighted. l'm here.
Be good enough to make out an advance
on my allowance for next year, say half.
Next year's allowance? lmpossible!
Figaro, you may leave us.
But there is no more money. None at all.
- Didn't you get my letter?
- l never read letters.
But l wrote and told you
the allowance has been stopped.
The gentleman is no longer able
to provide for your welfare.
Put that thing down and get out of here.