Don't laugh!
Get well soon, dear Wanda.
It's cousin Rita, wishing you well.
What? You send your thanks?
What cousin?
This is Furio, the porter.
- We're going to the theater.
- Ask her if we can come up.
You're not coming?
That's too bad.
Uncle got us tickets.
That is, Rita's fiancé,
the accountant, got them,
The accountant is out, and so is his wife.
There's nobody here.
- No, you just get better.
- Let's go up and see her.
We'll come by later.
No? Sure you don't need anything?
You don't wantAunt and Uncle to --
All right, I'll call from the theater.
Bye, Wanda!
Rita says good-bye.
Bye. I'm sending you a kiss.
Is she coming to the theater?
No, I don't think so.
She's not hungry right now.
- Perhaps some broth...
Absolutely not.
She needs to fast.
A strict fast.
Yes, I agree.
Uncle is right.
She should fast.
Ivan, I was telling the accountant
that you're an excellent poet.
Let's hear the poem you composed
for your fiancée.
The one that goes:
''She is graceful, sweet and teeny''?
- Yes.
- It's an ode.
A sonnet.
''She is graceful, sweet and teeny,
and everyone calls her--''