The Quiet Man

When I quit the... When I decided to come here,
it was with one thought in mind.

Inisfree is far from being a heaven, Mr Thornton.
Ma´am, Mr Red Will Danaher
wishes to be announced,

I mean, Squire Danaher.
Watch your muddy boots!
- Mrs Tillane.
- Mr Thornton, from America.

- Aw!
- Boo.

It´s him I´m here about, Mrs Tillane.
- Is it true?
- Is what true?

That behind me back, he´s trying to steal
White O´ Mornin´ right from under me nose?

And what concern of yours is this, Will Danaher?
Concern? Concern enough.
Haven´t I made you a fair offer
for that same piece of land?

- And mine, lying right next to yours?
- You may keep your offers.

- Oh, so it´s true. You sold it!
- No, I have not.

Oh, I knew it was a dirty lie
the very minute I heard it!

Sure, I said to him,
´´Paggy McFarland, I won´t believe
that Sarah´d be selling White O´ Mornin´.´´

Why, it would be like building a fence
between your land and mine.

´´And for a stranger to move in´´, says I.
´´What would she be doing that for?´´

And us so close to an understanding,
you might say.

- So you told him all that?
- That I did.

Down at the pub, I suppose,
in front of all those big ears,

with pints in their fists
and pipes in their mouths.
