Oh, look at me clean floor! You dirty little...
- Shut your gob.
- Aw, shut you, little man! Here.
Clean it up yourself,
or there will be no dinner tonight!
There now! Look now,
you mustn´t mind himself this day.
That´s all the work you´re good for,
you little tattletail.
- Feeney, have you written the name I gave you?
- I have.
Well, strike a line through it.
That´s for him. Sean Thornton...
So... He bought White O´ Mornin´
in spite of you.
Good for widow Tillane.
Pay no attention to her at all! Take no notice.
You do, and there´ll be a fine wake
in this house tonight.
After all, he´s got more right to that land
than you have!
He´ll regret it to his dying day,
if ever he lives that long.
- Will it be all right if I leave my bags in here?
- I imagine they´ll be safe enough.
If you see a little guy, Michaleen Flynn,
tell him I´m waiting for him in the bar.
- It´ll be a pleasure, especially for Michaleen.
- Thanks.
Is there anything you should like now, Yank?
If I think of anything, I´ll let you know.