- What about his daughter?
- He has a complaint, sir.
- Against someone in this outfit?
- Yes, sir.
Well, send him in.
I can't leave this outfit half a day
without somebody breaking loose!
Don't you know this is a decent village
with decent people living in it?
- Is this the man that has the complaint?
- Yes, sir.
- Think fast. Think fast.
- What is this all about, Pete?
One of my men?
- Oh, this is hard to believe,
Pete. Hard to believe.
All right, let's have it.
Spit it out.
Allez, Pete.
He says the soldier's been making a lot
of promises to Charmaine.
- Is that all he said?
- The rest is poetry.
- Well, omit the poetry.
Say, "Omit the poetry. "
- What's this?
- He says she's an innocent lamb.
Think fast. Think fast.
Tell him I know
she's an innocent child.
That she's one of the most charming
and respectable, virtuous ladies...
I've ever had the privilege
of meeting.
- And ask him how much he wants.
- How much what?
Money, you pie brow! Money! What else
do you think he wants?
It's only a game. Go on.
No, no.
- More lamb?
- No, he wants the fella to marry the girl.
And he wants 500 francs.
Well, now we're
getting somewhere.
All right, offer him 300 francs...