- Sara.
- Hello, Mrs Murdoch. Naomi.
- How nice of you to come and see me.
- Well, I'm afraid, I came to ask a favour.
- Oh?
- About the graduation tomorrow night.
We always have a little entertainment
and I thought that perhaps you might...
That I might appear.
It would be such a favour to me
and you do recite so beautifully.
That's very flattering,
but why do you need me?
You must have plenty of
corn-fed talent to fill the bill,
someone the good people
of this town wouldn't mind applauding.
But that's just why, I mean...
- It would be such a good opportunity.
- Opportunity?
If the nicer people of this town
could see you as the children did last night.
I know they'd be impressed.
They couldn't help but be, and...
- And maybe they might accept me.
- I didn't mean...
Why should you want me to endear myself
to the citizens of this town?
You of all people?
- I'm very fond of your husband.
- That's what I meant.
- And I want him to be happy.
- Isn't he going to be?
- You're the woman he needs.
- But you're the woman he wants.
I'm a realist, Naomi.
Henry and I, it wasn't love.
Not on his part, anyway.
We had things in common
and we drifted together.
Perhaps if you hadn't come back.
- I'm leaving, remember?
- That wouldn't make any difference now.
I lost him the minute he saw you again.
And then there are the children.
Ted's taken to you without question.
He's such a fine, open-hearted boy.
- And Lily loves you.
- And Joyce doesn't and...