All I Desire

and marriage, to a little man like me.
I don't know, Henry.
Maybe I never had a career.

Maybe I never knew the man.
It makes you wonder.

We all want things we don't have.
It must've been difficult for you
being married to me.

You were so young, the things you wanted.
I was crazy ever to think a girl like you
could settle into my dull routine.

I know I wasn't patient.
I worried too much
about what people would say.

And I worried too little.
- You've had your compensations.
- Compensations?

No, I don't think so, Henry.
You don't know how unimportant success is
until you've had it...

or what a home means until you've lost it.
I have missed you, Henry.
You and the children.

I've missed you too, Naomi,
when I wasn't hating you.

I didn't think you'd miss me at all.
For a long time I hoped you'd come back.
- Is it too late?
- I don't know.

I don't know.
Where is everybody?
- Big day like today and everybody's lazy.
- Good morning, Lena.

- Good morning.
- Isn't it a wonderful morning?

- It's a wonderful world.
- It's about time.

- Good morning, Theodore.
- Well, hi, Baroness.

I would say the Baroness Barclay
was the most fascinating...

Where are you going?
I've got sense enough
not to waste the day around here.

- It's way past noon now.
- Hi, Ted.

- Good morning, Lena.
- Good morning, Joyce.

Lily. Oh, it's a beautiful day isn't it?
Well, you must have had a good time
last night.

I did. I plead guilty, your honour.
A grand time.

You should spend more time in canoes.
- Good morning, Lena, Lily, Joyce.
- Good morning.
