-Speed it up.
-I'm speeding.
All right, Maggio. You wanna get paid?
Knock it off.
Angelo! A dollar he's wrong, coming up.
Sorry, I already won my bankroll
in the latrine.
Besides, it's a penny-ante game.
Come on, buddy boy, we're going to town.
Look, don't let them get your goat.
We dress up in civvies
and we're as good as the rest of the world.
Here, wear this.
My sister sent it to me.
She buys everything too big.
Look, first we hit a few bars, see?
Then we go to a place where I'm
a member: The New Congress Club.
Any prejudices against girls?
That's what I thought.
Well, it looks like you're all primed
for a big night.
Hello, Stark.
-You want some company?
-No, thanks. All tied up.
Leva says you've been eyeing the Captain's
wife like a hound at hunting.
He has, huh?
What else did that character tell you?
She took up with a lot of men
back at Fort Bliss.
I wouldn't put stock in stories like that.
This ain't no story.
Because I was one of them myself.