Peter Pan

- Me neither.
- Honest we don't.
- Heap big lie.

If Tiger Lily
not back by sunset...

burn 'em at stake.
Just imagine,
real live mermaids.

- Would you like to meet 'em?
- Oh, Peter, I'd love to.

All right, come on.
- It's Peter.
- Oh!
- Hello, Peter!

- Hello, Peter!
- Hello, Peter!
- Hello!

Hello, Peter!
- Hello, girls.
- I'm so glad to see you.

Why did you stay away so long?
Did you miss me?

- Tell us one of your adventures.
- Something exciting.

Want to hear about the time
I cut off Hook's hand
and threw it to the crocodile?

- Oh, I've always liked that one.
- Me too.

Well, there I was on
Marooner's Rock surrounded...

- Oh, Peter!
- By 40 or 50 pirates.
- Who's she?

Huh? Her?
Oh, that's Wendy.

- A girl?
- What's she doing here?

And in her nightdress too.
Come on, dearie.
Join us for a swim.

- Oh, please, I'm not dressed for it.
- Oh, but you must!

- We insist!
- No, no, please!

- Too good for us, eh?
- Peter!

- If you dare to come near me again...
- Wendy! Wendy!

They were just having a little fun,
weren't you, girls?

- That's all.
- We were only trying to drown her.

- Ya see?
- Well, if you think for one minute...

- that I'm going to put up with a...
- Shh. Hold it, Wendy.
