- Tell us one of your adventures.
- Something exciting.
Want to hear about the time
I cut off Hook's hand
and threw it to the crocodile?
- Oh, I've always liked that one.
- Me too.
Well, there I was on
Marooner's Rock surrounded...
- Oh, Peter!
- By 40 or 50 pirates.
- Who's she?
Huh? Her?
Oh, that's Wendy.
- A girl?
- What's she doing here?
And in her nightdress too.
Come on, dearie.
Join us for a swim.
- Oh, please, I'm not dressed for it.
- Oh, but you must!
- We insist!
- No, no, please!
- Too good for us, eh?
- Peter!
- If you dare to come near me again...
- Wendy! Wendy!
They were just having a little fun,
weren't you, girls?
- That's all.
- We were only trying to drown her.
- Ya see?
- Well, if you think for one minute...
- that I'm going to put up with a...
- Shh. Hold it, Wendy.
- Yep, it's Hook, all right.
- Hook!
- Hook!
Hook! Oh!
Quick, Wendy.
They've captured Tiger Lily.
Looks like they're
headin' for Skull Rock.
Come on, Wendy.
Let's see what they're up to.
Now, me dear Princess,
this is me proposition.
You tell me the hiding place
of Peter Pan...
and I shall set you free.
- You dog.
- Poor Tiger Lily.