- Yep, it's Hook, all right.
- Hook!
- Hook!
Hook! Oh!
Quick, Wendy.
They've captured Tiger Lily.
Looks like they're
headin' for Skull Rock.
Come on, Wendy.
Let's see what they're up to.
Now, me dear Princess,
this is me proposition.
You tell me the hiding place
of Peter Pan...
and I shall set you free.
- You dog.
- Poor Tiger Lily.
Am I not a man of me word, Mr Smee?
Oh, yes, always, Captain.
You'd better talk, me dear,
for soon the tide will be in...
and then it will be too late.
- I'll show the old codfish.
Stay here, Wendy, and watch the fun.
- "Fun"?
there is no path
through water...
to the happy hunting ground.
This is your last chance,
Tiger Lily!
Manatoa, great spirit
of mighty seawater, speak!
Beware, Captain Hook!
Beware! Beware!
- Did you hear that, Smee?
- It's an evil spirit, Captain.
Stand by, Smee,
while I take a look around.
Spirit of the great seawater, is it?