What is the meaning of this..?
It is but 1/2 kan of gold...
What?? "But 1/2 kan of gold" ?
Be it a great or insignificant sum,
it is "my" money!
How could you dare?
Explain yourself.
It is a sum that I
absolutely require.
Can I accept your excuses
when you are so stubborn?
Your apprenticeship,
who do you owe it to?
Have you forgotten that?
You want to buy out a geisha?
I have never gone to a geisha-house!
You know that!
What is going on?
He placed the Master's seal upon
a blank receipt!
If you refuse to speak,
the police will wrest the truth from you!
Listen to me, it is I...
It is I who begged him for this money!
For what purpose?
My uncle, a poor dishonored Samurai...
harassed by his creditors...
wants to commit hara-kiri.
I begged Mr. Mohei...
to lend me this amount.
You two seem to be very close!
No, that is not...
Who would do such a thing simply
for a friend?
He doubtless acted thus simply out
of pity.
I beg you to have mercy on him.
Forgive them!
No! They are lovers, it's obvious!
I am of no importance, but think of O-Tama.
One day, she will surely marry.
Sukeimon, lock him in
the storeroom.
I will hand you over to the police tomorrow.
And keep a close eye on O-Tama as well!
I'm going out... I while be a while.
O-Tama and Mohei
could not have done something like this!