I don't want excuses.
I just want that space.
But, Mr. Adams, you said
you'd call me by Monday.
- What about it?
- Well, you didn't.
- Well, what about it?
- Well, then I phoned you.
And they said that you were still away
on your weekend.
- Oh, they did?
- So I tried again on Tuesday...
All right, all right.
Then I just assumed
you'd lost interest.
You know that
the Adams Soap Company...
...has always used that space
for every summer campaign.
You know how my father
feels about that space.
- He's very partial to it.
- I know...
Why don't we all watch
our blood pressure, Mr. Adams.
- I'm sure it can be arranged.
- Nothing to it.
Don't smooth me, gentlemen.
Right now he tells us
it's tied up for three months.
- Excuse me.
- Yes, but I'm quite sure that as soon...
Send her right in, please.
She's here. Troubles are over.
Sit down, Miss Glover.
Sit down.
Go ahead.
Now, Miss Glover, thank you
very much for coming up.
I told you on the phone that you
wouldn't regret it, and you won't.
These gentlemen are terribly keen
to use that Columbus Circle space...
...which you have tied up right now.
Now, they're fully aware
that in asking you to give it up...
...they're probably interfering
with some plans which you have.
After all, nobody hires display space
just to put their name on it.
What they're prepared to do is this.
And in my opinion,
it's a very handsome offer indeed.
Reimburse you to the full extent
of what you've spent so far...