Sit down, Miss Glover.
Sit down.
Go ahead.
Now, Miss Glover, thank you
very much for coming up.
I told you on the phone that you
wouldn't regret it, and you won't.
These gentlemen are terribly keen
to use that Columbus Circle space...
...which you have tied up right now.
Now, they're fully aware
that in asking you to give it up...
...they're probably interfering
with some plans which you have.
After all, nobody hires display space
just to put their name on it.
What they're prepared to do is this.
And in my opinion,
it's a very handsome offer indeed.
Reimburse you to the full extent
of what you've spent so far...
...and in addition,
make you a bonus of...
I think the figure mentioned
was $500.
I don't think so.
Oh, this is Mr. Evan Adams III.
Miss Gladys Glover.
- How do you do?
- How do you do, Mr. Adams III?
- Why not?
- Why not what?
Would you care to make
a counterproposal, Miss Glover?
What's that?
Well, if you won't accept 500,
what would you accept?
Oh, nothing.
Come now. Surely you have
some figure in mind.
No, I haven't.
You would take 5 million,
wouldn't you?
Oh, certainly.
Now, somewhere between 500
and 5 million...
...there must be
an acceptable figure.
I don't wanna do this. In 73 days more,
the whole thing will be over...
...and then you can have it back
and do whatever you want.
I don't like being hollered at.
What'd I do anyway?