Rear Window

What's that supposed to be, ma'am?
It's called hunger.
You'd think the rain
would have cooled things off.

- All it did was make the heat wet.
- Ahh, that's it.

That's stiff right there. Right there.
The insurance company
would be much happier

If you'd sleep in bed at night
instead of in that wheelchair.

- How do you know?
- Eyes are all bloodshot.

Must have been watching
out that window for hours.

yeah, I was.
What are you gonna do
if one of them catches you?

It depends which one.
Miss Torso, for example -

You keep your mind off her.
She sure is the
'eat, drink and be merry" girl.

yeah, she'll wind up fat,
alcoholic and miserable.

Speaking of misery,
poor Miss Lonelyhearts.

She drank herself to sleep again, alone.
Poor soul. Maybe one day
she'll find her happiness.

yeah, and some man will lose his.
Isn't there anybody in the

Who could cast an eye in her direction?
It might just be that the salesman
will be available soon.

Oh, him and his wife splitting up?
I just can't figure it.
He went out several times
last night in the rain,

- Carrying his sample case.
- Well, he's a salesman, isn't he?

What would he be selling
at three o'clock in the morning?

Luminous dials for watches.

House numbers that light up.
I don't think so.
I think he was taking
something out of the apartment.

Uh-huh. His personal effects.
He's gonna run out on her, the coward.
