Lots of people have knives and saws
and ropes around their houses.
And lots of men don't speak
to their wives all day.
Lots of wives nag and
men hate them and trouble starts,
But few of them end up in murder,
if that's what you're thinking.
It's pretty hard for you to keep
away from that word, isn't it?
You could see all that he did,
couldn't you?
- Of course, I
- You could see co the shades were up
And he walked along the corridor
and the street and the backyard.
I've seen him -
Jeff, do you think a murderer
would let you see all that?
That he wouldn't pull the shades
down and hide behind them?
He's being clever. He's being nonchalant.
And that's
where you're not bring clever.
A murderer would never parade
his crime in front of an open window.
Why not?
For all you know, there's
something sinister going on there.
Where? Oh.
No comment.
Let's start
from the beginning again, Jeff.
Tell me everything you saw
And what you think it means.
- yeah?
"The name on the second floor
Rear mail box reads,
'Mr and Mrs Lars'."
"That's L-a-r-s."
"Lars Thorwald."
What's the number of the apartment?
"125 West Ninth Street."
Thank you, dear.
"OK, chief.
What's my next assignment?"
Just go home.
'Alright, but what's he doing now?"
He's just sitting
in the living room in the dark.