Let's start
from the beginning again, Jeff.
Tell me everything you saw
And what you think it means.
- yeah?
"The name on the second floor
Rear mail box reads,
'Mr and Mrs Lars'."
"That's L-a-r-s."
"Lars Thorwald."
What's the number of the apartment?
"125 West Ninth Street."
Thank you, dear.
"OK, chief.
What's my next assignment?"
Just go home.
'Alright, but what's he doing now?"
He's just sitting
in the living room in the dark.
Hasn't gone near the bedroom.
Now you go home
and get some sleep. Good night.
"Good night."
"What's it about, Jeff?"
Look, Doyle,
I can't tell you over the phone.
You have to be here
and see the whole set-up.
It's probably nothing.
It's just a little neighbourhood murder.
- "Did you say murder?"
- Yes, as a matter of fact, I did.
"Oh, come now."
My only thought was throwing a little
business your way, that's all.
I figured a detective would jump at
the chance of something to detect.
- "l'm not working."
- What?
"This happens to be my day off."
I usually took my best pictures
on my day off.
- "l'll drop by."
- OK, Doyle. As soon as you can.
Bless your heart, Stella.
Gee whiz, look at this.
I can't tell you
what a welcome sight this is.
No wonder your husband still loves you.
- The police.
- What?
- You called the police.
- Well, not exactly.