And then at last we cornered them
on an end of the island...
...and brought an end to organized
resistance on Guadalcanal.
We boarded ship again
and sailed for Wellington.
We were a dog-tired crew...
...but there hadn 't been much
of a fight to talk about.
Perhaps the greatest wound of all
had been to our pride.
As New Zealand appeared
on the horizon...
...we eagerly anticipated
renewing old friendships.
And for some,
seeing loved ones again.
Hello, Pat.
I went down to the canteen,
but you weren't there.
Well, don't stand there,
come on in.
We knew you were back, but it
was so difficult to get information...
...I didn't know when to expect you.
Andy, do sit down.
I have some tea ready.
We no sooner than dumped our gear
than they gave us 10 days leave.
I got myself a hotel room
here in Wellington.
You don't look well.
It's the heat. I'm all right.
The battalion lost
a couple of dozen guys.
Remember Ski? He got it.
I guess he didn't want
to live anyhow, though.
A lot of the guys
are sick and wounded.
We'll be okay in a couple of weeks,
I shouldn't have filled it so full.
I'm all right, just a little shaky.
Guadalcanal must have been frightful.
I shan't ask you about it.
Well, I got me a leave.
Three months furlough.
I mean three months back pay.
I think I'll take me in
some of the country.
You look as though you could do
with some rest.
- Why don't you go to the farm?
- I don't want to go to the farm.
- I feel so hot.
- Andy...
I think you might have malaria, Andy.