No, I'd know malaria.
You're burning up.
- Let me get you to a hospital.
- I'm not going to a hospital.
Don't be so obstinate.
I'm not gonna spend my furlough
in a hospital.
Call me a cab, I'll go to my hotel
and sweat it out.
I'll call you in a couple of days.
I'll be all right.
Please let me take you
to a hospital.
I'm freezing, honey.
I'm getting those chills again.
I'm freezing.
Get me a blanket.
Ski! Ski!
Run for it! Ski!
Run for it, Ski! Run for it.
Run for it, Ski!
Run for it, Ski!
Run for it! Ski! Run for it!
Run for it, Ski!
Ski, Ski! Run, run!
How long have I been here?
Three days.
I'm sorry, honey.
I must say, you gave me
a bit of a fright.
You look all beat.
Did you get any sleep?
I caught a wink or two.
You've been through hell.