Nobody's ever done anything
like this for me before.
Andy, I was so frightened.
I'm not keeping any more lamps
in the window...
...or waiting for any more
ships in the bay.
This war has done me in.
I want you while you're here.
That's all that matters, that's all.
It's not right for you to talk like that.
Andy, you're here and you're safe.
I can have you for a little while.
That's all that matters to me,
is this day and this minute.
I'm tired, Andy.
I'm tired of living in fear.
I can thank my boys for these.
One sour note.
Mac's boys are acting up again.
More limericks.
- Fox Company.
- Get Mac up here, please.
What are you trying to hide?
We decided we wouldn't let you see this.
Let's have it.
"Report on the 8th Marines'
Hike to Foxton."
Let's see, now.
"Sixty miles to Foxton.
Concrete highway.
Bivouac in the field.
Trucks drove them back to camp.
Twenty hours marching time."
Great Scott, that's no record.
Our battalion
can cut hours off of that time.
I knew you'd say that.
Get this to Message Center
to inform all company commanders.
The 1 st Battalion's already
scheduled a hike...
...but I think it's a bit soon for us
to attempt a 60-mile hike with full packs.