I can thank my boys for these.
One sour note.
Mac's boys are acting up again.
More limericks.
- Fox Company.
- Get Mac up here, please.
What are you trying to hide?
We decided we wouldn't let you see this.
Let's have it.
"Report on the 8th Marines'
Hike to Foxton."
Let's see, now.
"Sixty miles to Foxton.
Concrete highway.
Bivouac in the field.
Trucks drove them back to camp.
Twenty hours marching time."
Great Scott, that's no record.
Our battalion
can cut hours off of that time.
I knew you'd say that.
Get this to Message Center
to inform all company commanders.
The 1 st Battalion's already
scheduled a hike...
...but I think it's a bit soon for us
to attempt a 60-mile hike with full packs.
If you ask me,
it's just what the doctor ordered.
We'll crack the record.
And as far as the 1 st Battalion goes...
...they haven't seen the day we couldn't
hike them into the ground. Come in.
Get with Operations on that.
They can start typing it up.
I understand those boys of yours
have been getting poetic again.
And just because I gave permission
to build a clubhouse...
...I didn't okay your stealing
every loose board in camp.
I guess they're just red-blooded
American boys, colonel.
How did you find out I made
lieutenant colonel? I just heard myself.
Communicator's job
is to communicate, sir.
Well, you tell those red-blooded
American boys of yours...
...they better enjoy that dance
tonight, because after that...
We know all about that too, sir.
- You know all about what?
- The 60-mile hike to Foxton.
My outfit handles Message Center too.
- Get out of here.
- Yes, sir.