Battle Cry

Their trucks are coming tomorrow
to take them back to McKay.

Don't you think maybe we rate priority?
Our boys should ride back first
after the job they turned in.

Company commanders,
take charge!

Meiskar, Clark, Kreb, out!
Hookens, over here.

- Gomez, set up there.
- Smoking lamp is lit!

Corporal Forrester requests permission
to speak to you.

All right.
What's on your mind?
I know this is out of line,
but we haven't got much time...

Get to the point.
Well, PFC Andy Hookens
is in bad shape.

His feet are all bloody,
and I think he's got a touch of the bug.

He refuses to turn in.
Could you send him back
with the 1 st Battalion?

You're out of line.
That's for Sick Bay to decide.

- I don't grant special favors to any man.
- Colonel Huxley...

Just a minute, Mac.
You know this is out of order.
Let's have the real reason.

Hookens and Pat Rogers
want to get married.

The scuttlebutt has it we're shipping out
as soon as we get back.

If he waits for those trucks to come
back for us, he ain't gonna have time.

Not with all the red tape
they have to go through.

Request denied.
- Thank you, sir.
- Mac.

Tell Major Wellman to form up
the battalion. We're moving out.

Yes, sir.
Have you gone mad?
I've stood by through all
your torture sessions...

...but I'm putting my foot down.
Don't put it down too hard.
It's probably sore.

Why won't you wait for the trucks?
You can't hike these men back to McKay.

They've only had three hours' rest.
Twenty men dropped out
coming up here.
