The scuttlebutt has it we're shipping out
as soon as we get back.
If he waits for those trucks to come
back for us, he ain't gonna have time.
Not with all the red tape
they have to go through.
Request denied.
- Thank you, sir.
- Mac.
Tell Major Wellman to form up
the battalion. We're moving out.
Yes, sir.
Have you gone mad?
I've stood by through all
your torture sessions...
...but I'm putting my foot down.
Don't put it down too hard.
It's probably sore.
Why won't you wait for the trucks?
You can't hike these men back to McKay.
They've only had three hours' rest.
Twenty men dropped out
coming up here.
You'll hospitalize the entire battalion.
So I'm just a wartime officer,
but I know where humanity ends.
I watched you hike these boys back
from Guadalcanal...
...because you wanted to prove
how tough you were.
I'm not only gonna hike them back,
but we're gonna break our own record.
What are you trying to prove?
You haven't got a drop
of human blood in your veins.
Do you think that enemy
is gonna show us any humanity?
We're in a war, Wellman.
I'll drive them, and I'll drive myself.
When we go into battle again...
...not one of my boys will die
because he's a straggler.
Not one's gonna die
because he's weak.
Get out of my outfit
if you can't take it.
I'll make it back if you will.
Company commander, get your men
on their feet. We're moving out.
- Pass the word to the other companies.
- Aye, aye, sir. On your feet!
- Saddle up!
- On your feet!