"Dear Daddy Longlegs, I doubt
that it will interest you...
"but this semester
I have moved up two places.
"I am now 12th
in my class.
My average is just above a 'B'."
Griggs speaking. Yes.
Oh, she is?
Uh, just a moment.
- Yes, Griggs, old boy. - Jervis, your
sister-in-law, Gertrude, is on the phone.
I just left
for Alaska.
She's called five times.
It's about your house
at Murray Bay.
She's decided to spend
the summer there with Linda.
She wants you to have
it redecorated. French provincial.
She wants me to have
my house redecorated...
- so she can use it for her vacation?
- Yes.
For Gertrude, it seems
a fairly reasonable request.
Well, you can tell my
sister-in-law she can-
Uh, tell Mrs. Pendleton
Mr. Pendleton...
will be very happy
to have her use the house.
Yes, he agrees with her that French
provincial should be most attractive.
He wonders why he didn't
think of it himself. Yeah.
Now, where was I?
"My average
is just above a 'B'."
- What?
- The Andre letter.
Uh, file it.
You didn't finish
reading it!
"It is very hard to go on
writing to a- a thing.
"You never answer my questions. You never
show the slightest interest in anything I do.
"You don't praise,
and you don't scold.
"It's like having
a machine for a father.
"I love college,
and I love you for sending me...
"but couldn't you write
just one letter?
Not too respectfully yours,
- File it, Miss Pritchard.
- Isn't somebody, someday going to answer that poor child?
All right, all right!