Yes, he agrees with her that French
provincial should be most attractive.
He wonders why he didn't
think of it himself. Yeah.
Now, where was I?
"My average
is just above a 'B'."
- What?
- The Andre letter.
Uh, file it.
You didn't finish
reading it!
"It is very hard to go on
writing to a- a thing.
"You never answer my questions. You never
show the slightest interest in anything I do.
"You don't praise,
and you don't scold.
"It's like having
a machine for a father.
"I love college,
and I love you for sending me...
"but couldn't you write
just one letter?
Not too respectfully yours,
- File it, Miss Pritchard.
- Isn't somebody, someday going to answer that poor child?
All right, all right!
Dear Miss Andre...
your letter
of the 23rd received.
Mr. Smith's attention
will be called to your progress.
I'm sure he'll be pleased
with the report. Very truly yours.
That's a cheerful, breezy little note.
I'm sure that'll warm her up!
What do I know about
writing to a young girl?
All right, destroy my letter.
Continue the old arrangement. File it under "A."
Yes, Mr. Griggs.
Mr. Griggs!
A person is not a corporation.
A person is- is, uh,
flesh and- and blood and-
and feelings!