Got that?
We all just happened to be here.
Hello, you.
Hello, kid.
Sit your moneymaker down.
What's your tag?
I got a guy who knows what's what
He ain't the kind to bust a gut
He's got lotsa philosophy
Only he's too sweet on "rififi"
If another guy just gives me a nod
Right away he goes for his rod
He tips his hat and yessiree!
It's time for some "rififi"
I step in, but he don't give a damn
He points me out and says: Scram!
And when he's back after a while
He's got this nasty little smile
And sure as sure can be
I'm next in line for "rififi"
You look like
you don't have a clue
Like no one ever spoke to you
'Bout "rififi"
It's not a word that people use
Among the swells,
the Who's Who's
It's the lingo of the streetwise
The battle cry of real tough guys