Ensayo de un crimen

It won't be Iong before
they reach us.

But there's nothing
to worry about yet.

Is it nothing that we can't
go to the theatre?

AII those agitators
shouId be strung up!

Don't worry. They say GeneraI
Gomez wiII be here tonight,

he'II put them in their pIace.
It wouId have to be today!
TeII me the story!
Oh, yes...the story...
about the king
who owned this box.

He wasn't a king.
My mother said he was!
WeII, that comes Iater on.
It first beIonged to a fairy.

Where do fairies Iive?
In the air,
in the water... in the fire...

A king ordered
this IittIe box to be made.

So now we come to the king!
The king had enemies
he wanted to get rid of...

and the genie gave the box
strange powers.

He couId get rid of them
by starting up the box.

What happened then?
One day, the Prime Minister,
who was a traitor...

said the queen was conspiring
with the enemies.

The king commanded her to Iook
him in the eyes but...

she Iowered them and...
the king took it as a sign of guiIt.
Without a second thought,

he started up the IittIe box
and the poor queen
was struck dead.

But one day...
The story made a deep and Iasting
impression on me.

I owned the box now.
CouId I take someone's Iife with it?

I confess I started up the box
in order to test my powers.

I thought of the governess.
