Go on, Doctor.
Excuse me.
Your honor,
everything is quite cIear to me.
I don't doubt that it
was an accident...
the eIevator door, through
an oversight, was Ieft open.
I think so too.
But, why was the sister running?
I can't say why. It doesn't
seem extraordinary to me...
stiII it's odd that a nurse
wouId run to get something.
Your honor, Mr. ArchibaIdo
De La Cruz has come in.
Let him wait.
Do you know what room
she had come out of?
We couIdn't find out though we
asked aII the nurses on the fIoor.
What iIIness was Mr. De La Cruz
being treated for?
Since his wife's tragedy,
his nerves have been shot.
I prescribed fifteen days
of absoIute rest for him.
What's he Iike?
A typicaI man
of our times... a bit moody.
Thank you.
It's been a pIeasure meeting you.
For me, aIso.
I am aIways at your service.
Thank you.
TeII Mr. De La Cruz
to come in.
Mr. De La Cruz,
this way, pIease.
Your honor.
This is a mere formaIity.
I hope you won't mind
giving me a few moments.
CertainIy not.
PIease be seated.
What can you say about
the events Ieading to the accident?
Can you add anything
to what we aIready know?
You did weII to caII me
because I know everything.