What's he Iike?
A typicaI man
of our times... a bit moody.
Thank you.
It's been a pIeasure meeting you.
For me, aIso.
I am aIways at your service.
Thank you.
TeII Mr. De La Cruz
to come in.
Mr. De La Cruz,
this way, pIease.
Your honor.
This is a mere formaIity.
I hope you won't mind
giving me a few moments.
CertainIy not.
PIease be seated.
What can you say about
the events Ieading to the accident?
Can you add anything
to what we aIready know?
You did weII to caII me
because I know everything.
How's that?
What do you know?
Everything reIating to this matter.
It was no accident.
What was it then?
A crime.
PIease be serious.
I'm not joking.
Sister Trinity was murdered.
Then I'II have to beIieve you.
Who murdered her?
I did, your honor.
Are you insane?
Up to that time
I thought I was sane.
I kiIIed her deIiberateIy
and in coId bIood...
and she wasn't
my first victim either.
I don't know what you're getting at
but I must hear you out.
Mr. Gomez!
Make a record of aII this.
Keep in mind
that everything you say...
may be used against you.
Go ahead.
Your honor...
do you Iike music boxes?
See here, now...