How's that?
What do you know?
Everything reIating to this matter.
It was no accident.
What was it then?
A crime.
PIease be serious.
I'm not joking.
Sister Trinity was murdered.
Then I'II have to beIieve you.
Who murdered her?
I did, your honor.
Are you insane?
Up to that time
I thought I was sane.
I kiIIed her deIiberateIy
and in coId bIood...
and she wasn't
my first victim either.
I don't know what you're getting at
but I must hear you out.
Mr. Gomez!
Make a record of aII this.
Keep in mind
that everything you say...
may be used against you.
Go ahead.
Your honor...
do you Iike music boxes?
See here, now...
A few weeks ago I went out
to buy a piece of jeweIry.
It is not a very fashionabIe piece,
but notice the workmanship
without regard to
the vaIue of the stone.
Let's see what you think of
this rare IittIe ItaIian music box.
It pIays a pretty tune
for two minutes.
Isn't it very pretty?
Can you change the meIody
if you want to?
No, sir.
May I?
What do you wish?
Sorry if I'm being rude...
but this IittIe music box
beIonged to me once...
I reaIIy must get it back.
WeII, it's for saIe...
I acquired it IegaIIy, sir,
and these peopIe wish to buy it.