A few weeks ago I went out
to buy a piece of jeweIry.
It is not a very fashionabIe piece,
but notice the workmanship
without regard to
the vaIue of the stone.
Let's see what you think of
this rare IittIe ItaIian music box.
It pIays a pretty tune
for two minutes.
Isn't it very pretty?
Can you change the meIody
if you want to?
No, sir.
May I?
What do you wish?
Sorry if I'm being rude...
but this IittIe music box
beIonged to me once...
I reaIIy must get it back.
WeII, it's for saIe...
I acquired it IegaIIy, sir,
and these peopIe wish to buy it.
I'm very sorry.
Permit me to expIain.
It beIonged to my mother
and is very dear to me.
During the revoIution my house
was Iooted and it disappeared.
PIease understand, I wouId give
anything to get it back.
Without a doubt, such memories
shouId be respected.
We aII have our own.
Of course. That's certain.
Once, when I was IittIe,
I went with my mother...
Lavinia, he's not interested
in your chiIdhood recoIIections.
I have other music boxes
I can show you.
Don't bother, sir.
Let's go, Lavinia.
PIease Iet me expIain.
No thank you, sir.
WeII, there goes a customer.
But I reaIIy couIdn't
disregard your feeIings.
To me chiIdhood memories
are sacred.
How much?
2,000 pesos...