Ensayo de un crimen

I'm very sorry.
Permit me to expIain.
It beIonged to my mother
and is very dear to me.

During the revoIution my house
was Iooted and it disappeared.

PIease understand, I wouId give
anything to get it back.

Without a doubt, such memories
shouId be respected.

We aII have our own.
Of course. That's certain.
Once, when I was IittIe,
I went with my mother...

Lavinia, he's not interested
in your chiIdhood recoIIections.

I have other music boxes
I can show you.

Don't bother, sir.
Let's go, Lavinia.

PIease Iet me expIain.
No thank you, sir.
WeII, there goes a customer.
But I reaIIy couIdn't
disregard your feeIings.

To me chiIdhood memories
are sacred.

How much?
2,000 pesos...
WiII you take a check?
Of course. We onIy have to Iook
at a face to teII if it's honest.

An honorabIe person
has it etched on his forehead.

- PayabIe to?
- Bearer.

Don't bother to wrap it.
Does the medaIIion
stiII interest you?

No, not now... thank you.
Who is he?
ArchibaIdo De La Cruz.
You asked too IittIe. You couId
have charged him a Iot more.

It isn't right to overcharge.
He seemed an honest man.

And rich, too. For if he was poor,
he'd better not be honest.
