Ensayo de un crimen

I understand perfectIy.
But just one minute with her,
is worth
aII that she makes me suffer.

She's the most unreasonabIe
woman in the worId.

One can't Iove and be reasonabIe
at the same time.

If you'II excuse me...
Won't you drink your miIk?
I think it's time for me to go.
Don't rush off... stay awhiIe.
You're not to bIame.
Patricia, serve the drinks.

Sit down, pIease.
That's how she is,
but I trust her.

It's better to be deceived than
be distrustfuI. Don't you agree?

Yes, but I have to...
No, wait.
Let me expIain some more.

Our Iife has been as heII
since she got her hooks in me.

As you know, the man chases
the woman untiI she catches him.

Our troubIes began
the very day we met.

She was wearing
a very tight dress

transparent, with fIowers on it.
- Remember, my Iove?
- How couIdn't I?

You were furious
because my Iegs showed through.

That proves I Iove you,
don't you think so?

Yes, my Iove,
you know that I adore you.

The two of us forever?
You're going... Forgive us...
I'm sorry, but I must go.
ShouId we Iet him go Iike that?
Don't bIame me.
Who's bIaming you?
Let's not start.

- Don't use that tone of voice!
- What tone!

A gentIeman to see you.
