She was wearing
a very tight dress
transparent, with fIowers on it.
- Remember, my Iove?
- How couIdn't I?
You were furious
because my Iegs showed through.
That proves I Iove you,
don't you think so?
Yes, my Iove,
you know that I adore you.
The two of us forever?
You're going... Forgive us...
I'm sorry, but I must go.
ShouId we Iet him go Iike that?
Don't bIame me.
Who's bIaming you?
Let's not start.
- Don't use that tone of voice!
- What tone!
A gentIeman to see you.
You know I onIy see visitors
by appointment.
But he insists on speaking
with you. He's from the poIice.
What couId he want?
TeII him to come in.
Sorry to bother you
at this hour, Mr. De La Cruz?
What can I do for you?
Are you a friend of
Miss Patricia Terrazas?
I mean no.
We're not exactIy friends,
I know who she is.
UntiI what time were you
with her Iast night?
I don't know... It must have been
between 12:30 and 1 o'cIock.