You know I onIy see visitors
by appointment.
But he insists on speaking
with you. He's from the poIice.
What couId he want?
TeII him to come in.
Sorry to bother you
at this hour, Mr. De La Cruz?
What can I do for you?
Are you a friend of
Miss Patricia Terrazas?
I mean no.
We're not exactIy friends,
I know who she is.
UntiI what time were you
with her Iast night?
I don't know... It must have been
between 12:30 and 1 o'cIock.
And whiIe you were with her,
did anything unusuaI take pIace?
No... Iet's see...
I don't think this is the proper
pIace for a formaI statement.
Can you teII me what happened
to Miss Terrazas?
Nothing much. She turned up
with her throat sIit.
Can I have your opinion?
AImost... just give me a second.
You say you started to argue
when Mr. De La Cruz Ieft?
Yes, sir. I toId her
something she didn't Iike.