And whiIe you were with her,
did anything unusuaI take pIace?
No... Iet's see...
I don't think this is the proper
pIace for a formaI statement.
Can you teII me what happened
to Miss Terrazas?
Nothing much. She turned up
with her throat sIit.
Can I have your opinion?
AImost... just give me a second.
You say you started to argue
when Mr. De La Cruz Ieft?
Yes, sir. I toId her
something she didn't Iike.
She was upset.
We both got very excited.
And nothing more?
I confess
I said a few harsh things.
Then she suddenIy sIapped me.
I pushed her away.
As I was Ieaving,
I saw that she was crying.
That's aII.
There is no doubt that this note
is in her handwriting.
Send in your report
to headquarters.
They'II have it today, Inspector.
Does this sound Iike her?
''WiIIy, it's impossibIe
for me to go on Iike this.
''I didn't want to Iook IoveIy
in death, that's why...
''I kiIIed myseIf Iike this.
I hope that...
''my bIood fIows over you
the rest of your Iife... Patricia.''
The case is soIved. Lots of bIood
and for no reason at aII.
How about some coffee, Lopez,
before the judge gets here?