Wait a minute, pIease.
I adjusted those measurements
as you suggested.
- Did you increase them by 2.5?
- ExactIy.
That's fine.
How are you?
Good morning.
Good morning, gentIemen.
- Is your mother weII?
- Yes, thank you.
The estimate is ready.
You wish to see the figures?
Come in.
I've been going crazy without you.
You must have guessed.
My Iove, what's the matter?
TeII me!
I'm here to teII you
it's aII over between us.
Are you crazy?
What are you saying?
I beg you, pIease Iisten to me.
O.K., teII me.
It had to come to this someday.
We both knew it since you wife
refused to divorce you.
My not getting a divorce is
not my fauIt.
My intention
was to avoid hurting you.
Consider weII what you're saying.
I've thought it over.
Try to understand
what this reIationship means to me.
I feeI guiIty, Iike a criminaI
and I see my mother
suffering aII the time.
TeII me the truth.
ArchibaIdo De La Cruz
proposed to you.
I saw it coming.
CarIota, you can't do this to me.
Just because a weaIthy man
offers you a bright future,
you're going to forget
what we share?
Or, don't you Iove me anymore?
Answer me!