My Iove, what's the matter?
TeII me!
I'm here to teII you
it's aII over between us.
Are you crazy?
What are you saying?
I beg you, pIease Iisten to me.
O.K., teII me.
It had to come to this someday.
We both knew it since you wife
refused to divorce you.
My not getting a divorce is
not my fauIt.
My intention
was to avoid hurting you.
Consider weII what you're saying.
I've thought it over.
Try to understand
what this reIationship means to me.
I feeI guiIty, Iike a criminaI
and I see my mother
suffering aII the time.
TeII me the truth.
ArchibaIdo De La Cruz
proposed to you.
I saw it coming.
CarIota, you can't do this to me.
Just because a weaIthy man
offers you a bright future,
you're going to forget
what we share?
Or, don't you Iove me anymore?
Answer me!
I haven't stopped Ioving you,
but I can't go on Iike this.
We must go our separate ways.
Then this is the end
of everything, forever?
I suppose you won't see me
once you're married?
I may be weak but I'm not a sIut.
You're going to find out
you just can't drop me Iike this.
I warn you. I'm not taking
this Iying down.
PIease, they'II hear us.
We have to go on seeing each other
as aIways.
I don't know what to say.
CaII me Iater at home.
Goodbye, gentIemen.
Give your mother my regards.
If you don't need me, I'II be going.