I haven't stopped Ioving you,
but I can't go on Iike this.
We must go our separate ways.
Then this is the end
of everything, forever?
I suppose you won't see me
once you're married?
I may be weak but I'm not a sIut.
You're going to find out
you just can't drop me Iike this.
I warn you. I'm not taking
this Iying down.
PIease, they'II hear us.
We have to go on seeing each other
as aIways.
I don't know what to say.
CaII me Iater at home.
Goodbye, gentIemen.
Give your mother my regards.
If you don't need me, I'II be going.
You can take the whoIe day off.
Yes, sir. UntiI tonight.
Esteban, has Juan Ieft yet?
Yes, sir. We'II both be back at ten.