Guys and Dolls

You tried the regular places?
Won't they take a chance, seeing it's you?

Seeing it's me, no.
Except one. Joey Biltmore's garage.

Joey said he might take a chance...
for 1,000 bucks.

- 1,000?
- In advance and in cash.

- He would not even take my marker.
- This I do not believe.

Joey Biltmore will not take your marker.
You got no idea what a breath
this Brannigan has got.

A marker's not just
a piece of paper saying:

"I owe you 1,000.
Signed, Nathan Detroit."

A marker is the one pledge
which a guy cannot welsh on, never.

It's like not saluting the flag.
It does not seem possible.
Me without a livelihood.

Why, I've been running the crap game
since I was a juvenile delinquent.

But, Nathan, the situation is desperate.
- You have got to think of something.
- My only thought costs 1,000 bucks.

I cannot even afford to think.
I'm broke. I'm so broke I couldn't even
buy a present for Adelaide today.

Is it her birthday?
It is mine and Adelaide's 14th anniversary.
We are engaged 14 years today.
Concentrate on the game.
The town is up to here with high players.
The Greek's in town.

- Brandy Bottle Bates!
- I know, I know.

I could make a fortune,
but to make a fortune I need a fortune.

1,000 bucks!
Where do I get it?
The Biltmore garage wants a grand
But we ain't got a grand on hand
And they now have a lock on the door
To the gym at Public School 84
There's the stockroom
behind McClosky's Bar

But Mrs McClosky ain't a good scout
