Good old reliable Nathan
Nathan, Nathan, Nathan Detroit
If the size of your bundle
you want to increase
I'll arrange that you go broke
in quiet and peace
In a hide-out provided by Nathan
Where there are
no neighbours to squawk
It's the oldest-established permanent
Floating crap game in New York
Where's the action?
Where's the game?
Gotta have the game
or we'll die from shame
It's the oldest-established permanent
Floating crap game in
New York
Gentlemen, I am deeply touched
by your faith and loyalty.
Gentlemen, do not worry. Nathan Detroit's
crap game will float again.
Nathan! Guess who's sittin' in Mindy's
right now, eatin' a steak breakfast.
- Hitler.
- Wrong. Sky Masterson.
Sky Masterson's in town. This should be
the greatest crap game of your career.
- Where's it gonna be?
- City Hall. The mayor's office.
- What time?
- We will leave you know, Angie.
Sky Masterson, the highest player
of 'em all. What a spot I'm in.
- Does he bet higher than the Greek?
- Why do you think they call him Sky?
Once, with my own eyes,
I saw him bet 5,000 bucks
that one raindrop'd beat
another raindrop down the window.
Once he was sick
and would not take penicillin.