Guys and Dolls

- Her?
- Sergeant Sarah Brown.

Daddy! I got cider in my ear.
It is my fault, you know.
It's not the mission. It's me.
I can't do the job that has to be done.
I'm a failure.

I'd be doing the right thing if I resigned
and went back home to Boston.

Sarah... should you be able
to bend a solid gold watch?

- Of course not.
- That's what I thought.

Why do you want to go home?
There aren't any sinners in Boston?

What have I accomplished here?
Thousands of depraved characters,
and after months of hard work
an empty mission!

Sarah, I'm ashamed of you.
Just because the riffraff of Broadway

didn't break down that door when they
heard you were in charge of this mission.

These aren't small-town delinquents
who drink too much on Saturday night.

You're up against the devil's first-string
troops, a whole army of devil's disciples.

- Do you take sinners here?
- At any time of the day or night, son.

Come right in and sit down.
- Cup of coffee and a doughnut?
- Just coffee, thanks.

I am not here because I am poor
and hungry... not for food, that is.

"Blessed are they which do hunger
after righteousness." Is that it?

Hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Yes, sir. That's it.

My name's Arvide Abernathy. The young
lady at the desk is Sergeant Sarah Brown.

To you, we're Brother Arvide
and Sister Sarah. Sit down, son.

- How do you do?
- Brother Sky. Hello, Sister Sarah.

- Is that your name? Sky?
- Sky Masterson.
