Don't flatter yourself. I'm talking business.
I am in a position to supply
the raw material you need for your work.
- Namely sinners.
- How?
That's my work. Now when is this
big midnight meeting of yours?
Thursday. I guarantee to supply that
meeting with one dozen genuine sinners.
- Whether they repent or not is up to you.
- Thank you. That's a fair rundown.
Now, if you will excuse me...
Just a minute, Sister Sarah.
This is not a charity contribution.
This is a business transaction.
Something you want for something I want.
And what is that?
Have dinner with me tomorrow night.
Why should that be something you want?
Well, maybe because I think
I'll be hungry tomorrow night.
- Keep this. It's my marker.
- Your what?
My marker. My IOU for one dozen
genuine sinners delivered as described.
- I will pick you up tomorrow at noon.
- At noon to go to dinner?
It takes time to get there. We're going to
my favourite restaurant - El Café Cabana.
Where's that?
- Havana.
- Havana, Cuba?
- Well, what other Havanas are there?
- You wanna take me to dinner in Cuba?
- Well, they eat in Cuba, same as we do.
- What do you take me for? A chump?
- Isaiah's on the other side.
- Get out.
What are they worth to ya? One dozen
genuine sinners ready for salvation.
What are they worth to you?
A chicken salad in the tearoom?
One last word, Sergeant.
I don't want you to walk out of this room
thinking you're upset because some
black-hearted sinner made advances...
- It's none of your business what I think.
- ..to a virtuous lady with a white soul.
Any sinful thoughts present in this room
at this time come out of you, doll, not me.
You're quite right. I'm nothing
but a repressed, neurotic girl -
I've read books on the subject -
who is abnormally attracted to sin,
and so abnormally afraid of it. You're
not the first man to try that approach.