Have you no pride
in what the world thinks about us?
What did you order?
Dulce de leche.
Dulce is the Spanish word for "sweet".
- De means "of' and leche means "milk".
- Sweet of milk.
Don't they serve it plain?
Well, only in the mornings.
It has to do with the heat.
At night they put
a kind of preservative in it.
That's interesting. What do they use?
Doesn't that have alcohol in it?
Well, just enough to keep
the milk from turning sour.
That's the same song we heard
being played near the church, isn't it?
Playing the tambourine
has developed in you an ear for music.
Mr Masterson, you think
I'm an awful prude, don't you?
Are you?
Well, I wonder sometimes.
For instance,
supposing I wasn't in mission work.
This is a tasty milkshake.
Do you mind if I have another?
Supposing I was just any girl.
Do you think just any girl
would be a prude
if she refused to go to Havana
with a man she'd never met before?
Oh, I suppose not.
Would you like some of mine
while you're waiting?
I haven't touched it.
Just a sip.
Oh, thanks.
I don't know when I've been so thirsty.