Because you were unhappy.
What were you unhappy about, Sky?
- Well, I can't remember this minute.
- But you do remember that I failed you.
I was weighed in the balance
and found wanting.
Daniel 5:27.
For that I am truly sorry.
But I intend to make it up to you.
I intend to give you
all the help you will ever require.
- You have given me a lot of help already.
- You don't think I remember, don't you?
But I do. Every word,
as if you were saying it now.
- What?
- About having a more...
personal help in mind.
But I gave you those silly old pamphlets,
as if they could take the place
of a truly personal help.
How can a sinner hope to be saved by an
hour of help when for the rest of the 24
- he must fight temptation alone?
- How indeed?
It's been done with people
who drink too much, you know.
Help day and night, night and day.
- Anywhere, anytime.
- That's a full-time job.
Well, you're a full-time sinner.
Maybe a little time off
for good behaviour?
Pal, you're not gonna
fight alone any more.
- What if it's against mission policies?
- Because I'm gonna be with you.
A one-woman mission
for the personal salvation of me?
Day and night, night and day.
Sister Sarah, why would you want to?
Whatever you do, wherever you go.
Why, Sister Sarah? Why?
- I wanna be with you.
- The world's full of souls
- closer to salvation than mine.
- Anytime, anywhere.
Easier to save
and much more worth saving.