But you yourself didn't go on the crusade
and you weren't here.
Now, maybe that's two coincidences.
Masterson, I had you in my big-time book.
Now I suppose I'll have to reclassify you -
under "shills and decoys".
You certainly do know the night-time,
don't you, and the funny things it does.
- It certainly did them to me, didn't it?
- You only have to answer one question.
It didn't do too much, though, thanks
to you, not me. Just more than enough.
- Answer one question.
- Any.
Am I now supposed to prove
I had nothing to do with this?
- There's nothing to prove.
- Are you saying I'm guilty?
Everything has already been proved. If I
hadn't gone, this wouldn't have happened.
- You went with me to help the mission.
- Did I?
I can't remember that far back.
Oh, Sarah.
Is that really why I went with you?
To help the mission?
- Is that really why you took me?
- To win the bet. I told you.
Was that all of the bet, Sky,
to get me out of the way?
- What do you take me for?
- Or was there more? Much more?
Did you win the bet?
Did you truly win all of the bet?
What do you take yourself for?
- What kind of a doll are you?
- A daytime doll.
A mission doll.