Thank you. And now the feature attraction
of our all-new Four-D Follies,
the Hot Box proudly presents
Miss Adelaide and her Debutantes.
- Nicely-nicely, thank you.
- I didn't ask you how you are.
- Don't.
- What are you doing here?
- Where's Nathan?
- Nathan. That's what I'm doin' here.
I'm supposed to bring
Miss Adelaide a message.
I wish Nathan would bring
his own messages.
He bought me the fur thing
five winters ago
And the gown the following fall
Then the necklace, the bag,
the hat and the shoes
Oh what generous gifts I recall
Then last night in his apartment
He tried to remove them all
And I said as I ran down the hall
Take back your mink
Take back your pearls
What made you think
That I was one of those girls?
Take back the gown
The shoes and the hat
I may be down
But I'm not flat as all that
I thought that each expensive gift you'd
arranged was a token of your esteem
Now when I think of
what you want in exchange