Must be tough to take.
I don't think Sky had any more to do with
what happened here last night than I did.
That's why you buy
solid gold watches for a dollar.
- Do you believe it?
- Whether he had a hand in it or not...
- Do you believe it?
- They used our mission for their game.
- But if Sky had nothing to do with it...
- Don't you understand?!
All I could see was him running away
from the police with the rest of that trash.
All I could see was that
he was one of them.
And I never saw till now
how much in love with him you are.
- I'll get over it.
- Why would anyone wanna get over
the thing you hope for from the minute
you're born and remember till you die?
- I'll get over it.
- Why?
Because it's the greatest reward
that woman or man can have,
to love and to be loved?
I just wanna remind you.
You hold my marker for 12
or more sinners by midnight tonight.
- Forget about it.
- I do not forget a marker.
Well, last night the mission was filled
with your friends. Let's say we're even.
If you don't make that marker good,
I'll buzz it all over town you're a welsher.
- Time is running out. Where's the game?
- Only a ten-minute walk.